Friday, July 11, 2014

Paragraph and Labels

later we'll know that there isnt that big difference between labels and paragraphs but now we'll use each of them in different way for labels lets imagine you want to make a page for login you want for sure to put text boxes to get information from users but how the user will know each text whats it about i mean there will be a text box for first name and another for last name and we should write that in our page but will we use paragraph to do this job sure no thats why we should use labels and labels are the text in for example the desktop applications its the text that only appear but it doesnt do anything  just like this one in the pic
 the "File name" is a Label even if you click on it millions of times nothing will happen.
Paragraph maybe even if we click on it nothing will happen but we can change this later anyway what makes paragraph different is we can add some features to it just like the alignment it means where is our text we can put it in the middle or left or right and another thing just like the same letters size or the difference between each letter dont worry we'll talk about all this one by one .
 lets see how to use them:
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="MyIcon.ico">
<title>My Page</title>
<h1>as we said before you'll know the difference between these two things later :)</h1>
hey guys you can like my facebook page :

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