- onmouemove: when the pointer of the mouse move this will occur
- onmouseout: this will happen when the mouse pointer is out of the element
- onmouseup:when a user releases a mouse button over an element
- onunload: this is just like the onload function but its opposite because this will occur when the page didnt load for some reasons
- onerror: if something was wrong with your code this function will be called or if image didnt load for example because of losing internet or any other reason
- onselect: the event occurs when the user select some text (for and textarea)
- onfocus: just by its name when the elements get focused the event will happen
- onscroll: when you scroll your page down or up a function or even will be called
- this is the most used events handlers that you can use in our page there are some others but we'll see them only when we will need them.
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